Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Warning to Americans ~ America projected to Collapse. (2013)

It's on main stream media now : Aired 1/18/2013 on the Fox News Bill O'Reilly show. Bill O'Reilly comments on a new GAO report which says the US economy will collapse if federal government spending and borrowing policies are not changed.Bill O'Reilly struck a rather apocalyptic tone in his Talking Points Memo tonight, warning viewers of the danger facing the economy and the country if it continues down the same path already half-forged by President Obama. O'Reilly predicted that no matter how many people try to sound the alarm about where the nation is headed, most people are just too content with their lives to listen or care."Last year the feds spent $1.1 trillion dollars more than the government took in. That is grossly irresponsible. The debt is now approaching $17 trillion. President Obama is the biggest spending chief executive in history' "Many Americans simply will not listen, and even worse, they are not smart enough... to even care. Disaster could be coming."


  1. Can anyone say BOVINE EXCREEMENT at its best or Bull Shit Obama care is DEATH care.

  2. Really, Bill? I've watched you for at least 5 years smirk at people who said this nation has been taken over by international corruption from the top down. You used to agree 30 yrs ago, then became a tight rope walker. The media, Bill is hugely responsible for the lies, deception, dishonestly and servility in trying to be just enough in the staus quo. You, Mr. O'Rielly, knew better. Get in line behind the likes of Dr. Stan Montieth, Joyce Reilly and Alex Jones over there on GCNlive. They still take you, but will call you out if you back track.

  3. The media in this country is a DISGRACE, and you , O'Reilly, are NO EXCEPTION! Of course the media LOVES Obuma, he's bought and paid for just like them! O'Reilly, you are nothing more than a Hypocrite. As far as playing "Paul Revere," are you FREAKIN KIDDING?!!! Go back in your hole you TARE!

  4. This guy is spot on no matter he may flip flop! Awakening folks... or trying.. is a tough job however this is required NOW! It's not just the united -USA that is being affected it's everywhere in the developed countries! The economies of the Asia are booming because they work hard and are taking advantage of the west and it's complacency! Too much, Too easy, For too long!! Yes get behind Alex Jones perhaps however this guy is at least going in the right direction! Is America lost? Yep if Barry Barrack Quack, Quack continues to be the Puppet that has everybody on welfare and every other gullible minion by the short and
    curlies! WAKE UP FOLKS!!

  5. Bill:::
    TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE My Hypocrite,.. who's been playing Pollyanna and poo pooed the NWO over and over...

    It's TOO LATE...Jordan Maxwell is SPOT ON.
    Go back to your sports, porno, entertainment Mr & Mrs Average

  6. Bill is a dollar short and a day late, America has gone pasted the point of no return. We can not ever repay what we have borrowed and there is no sign of Obama and his masters stopping the sliced financial arteries from bleeding out. What Bill should be telling people is how to prepare for the financial/currency collapse. More people are educated and prepared, the less control Obama's masters will have over America. We all need to tell our family an friends, in a calm, matter of fact minus the conspiracy angle, where this country is headed and how to prepare for it and profit from it. Just add in that the very rich are preparing for a massive profit from this because they are asset rich and not currency rich. Smart people follow what the very rich do, shouldn't they do as well? See how none threatening that sounds with a motive of profit behind it vs telling that the NWO is about to own them and their children? It's how you tell the facts and the possible outcomes if they prepare or not, because in the end, it doesn't matter if they know it's the NWO or not.
