Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Deserves To Be Shot In The Face says Leftist Media

18 January 2013 : The Radio Equalizer Brian Maloney :
KARL FRISCH (17 Jan 2013): When people like Rush Limbaugh show absolutely no compassion for the lives that were lost it only inflames the crazy conspiracy people that think this never happened.
STEPHANIE MILLER: Yeah he didn’t like the tone was not quite you know ah I guess jovial enough at a news conference about children getting shot.
JIM WARD: I guess it’d be wrong for me to say that some people deserve to be shot in the face.  So I won’t say that.
STEPHANIE MILLER: Don’t say that. For Gods sakes.
CHRIS LAVOIE: Don’t say that.
STEPHANIE MILLER (15:12) Oh dear that went Directly to NewsBusters. Okay I apologize for everything Jim Ward just said.
JIM WARD: Everything, really?
STEPHANIE MILLER: No, not that one part.


  1. Scum rises to the top

  2. NICE PEOPLE these Democrats and their lap-dog media huh?!? about examining for mental disorders,..Liberals meet ALL of the requirements for mental medication if not hospitalized psychological rehabilitation...

  3. Liberal media or conservative media, they are all just complete hacks who constantly say dumb shit and try to win at any cost the truth be damned. They avoid the truth and decency at all costs. The "free media" is who we need to listen to and get away from the left/right, conservative/liberal divide and conquer media personalities. I will not support liberals or conservatives but I will support free independent people who support the constitution. Both conservatives and liberals want to take your rights away. They agree on some, and differ on others, but they both want to strip you some how. Support the FREE MEDIA.
