Monday, February 4, 2013

Steve Quayle : Blueprint for Destruction ~ with Greg Evensen

Greg Evensen, another fine man, he's also required listening for those who need to know what's happening , Steve Quayle and Greg Evensen between them note: financial collapse, deadly airborne virus, Russ Dizdar's Black Awakening, foreign troops incl. Russian Spetsnaz Death Squads with 1000s of specific targets, non-elite teams taking out 'non-viable' citizens with an EMP strike to coincide frying yr electric grid so obviously no water, electric, no internet etc (i.e. 24:25) while their army bases are very well stocked & they communicate to their field commanders via sat phones. Get spiritually prepared cousins!


  1. These two are nuts,lots of fear mongering like Evensen warning everyone that Fema trailers were set up to force vaccinate and tag everyone during the last Bird flu outbreak.These people are as psychotic as the elite.Can we please have less of this kind of crap on Financial Armageddon.Ruins your credibility.

    1. Forgot to mention, these guys mix enough truth with their sensationalism to make people pay attention and give them credibility.This trick is as old as the books and is also used by the elites so take them with a grain of salt.

  2. Anonymous-I've been studying this stuff for some time. If you're so together, "Riddle me this Batman"- If Steve doesn't know what he's talking about, why is it that the Federal Government is trying to confiscate EVERYONE'S GUNS? Why is it that we have Russian and Chinese military in THIS COUNTRY as I type this? Why is it that the dollar is ACTUALLY DEAD already? Steve was talking about this and MUCH MORE, YEARS AGO!!! You've GOT TO BE A SHILL!!!

  3. I added that there is enough truth to what he says to make the sensationalism sound credible.I agree with the general consensus but he and Greg are notorious for fear mongering and making things up,like what I stated about Greg Evensen telling everyone that Fema trailers were set up to force vaccinate and tag everyone so that if you got stopped and didn't have a tag,you would get shipped off to get force vaccinated.That was a made up story.Steve has been talking about the boogey man for years as far back as early Art Bell and even back then he said a bunch of stuff that was not true and did not happen.I also have a problem with people who try to scare you and sell you the solution at the same time.Look at his website and see what he is selling?Gold,survival gear and food yada yada yada.
    So as I said,take him with a grain of salt.Some truth,some lies,some fear mongering all mixed in.
