Monday, February 4, 2013

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux

There will be no economic recovery. Prepare yourself accordingly.

The ancient Greeks invented the word chaos to describe complete disorder and confusion. They did not think they would be living with it for so long. Greece is the economic basket-case of Europe, gone from junk status to even "junkier". The country's debt is 145 per cent of GDP and it is the ordinary people who are paying the price. One-third of Greeks live below the poverty line. Anger has turned into violence and despair, and suicides have increased by 40 per cent since the crisis began. Plummeting salaries and pensions, never-ending tax hikes and ever-deeper spending cuts have pushed the country to the brink of economic and social collapse. Queues at soup kitchens are lengthening, the number of homeless people is mounting, and critical medical supplies are in short supply. The Greeks also invented democracy, but inconclusive election results with no outright majority could simply prolong the crisis. Some say the Greeks have brought it all on themselves, and call for harsher measures. But can the latest government cut further and deeper? Can Greece survive the euro? Can the euro survive Greece? Or is this the end of the European dream?

1 comment:

  1. The only way the people brought it upon themselves is to believe their politicians had their best interests at heart. They had/have no idea the treasonous politicians are in collusion with the treasonous banksters to loot the treasuries of all nations.

    The only solution is to default on the debt to the banksters and let those treasonous banksters swing in the wind but the politicians will never let their political contributors fail. Too big to fail. Too big to jail but not too big to swing.
