Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Adrian Salbuchi : Latin America on brink of tough post Chavez Geopolitical Battle

Hugo Chavez´s death spells many dangers not just for Venezuela but the entire Region. His foreign policy stood strong prioritizing Venezuela's sovereignty confronting the US, UK, EU and Israel.

Adrian Salbuchi: New constitution of Venezuela... requires the president of the National Assembly, a gentleman by the name of Diosdado Cabello, to take over and then in 30 days new elections have to be called. Now Nicolas Maduro will be the Chavez’s party candidate, and he certainly stands [a] good chance of election, especially with the country’s emotional state right now, but Chavez had huge enemies within Venezuela and, more importantly, outside Venezuela. So unfortunately the United States in the first instance and other countries such as Israel and countries in Western Europe will do all they can to support the opposition candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski, who came in second in the presidential elections and who will definitely have all the financial, political and media support of the global power structures against Mr. Maduro as the Chavez candidate.


  1. it looks as if Washington is independent, however is not, they belong to the global british empire, remember they are a colony, by language, (they speak English not american) the south american speak Spanish, french and Portuguese, not american! like south america is a language colony of Spain, Portugal and france. however Americans as a continent, can obtain independence. remember Obama is a puppet: the ? is who pulls the strings. he is the master in this case! and he divides his language colonies into north and south. when they misbehave.

  2. Venezuela since early times was rife with corruption from the right with little trickling down to the dispossesed. Along comes Chavez and the poor gets something, same as before, corruption continues endemic, so nothing changed for the nation itself but for the poor under Chavez, the countrys finances exhibit same mismanagement as before with plenty of debt to boot, what now ?
    Capriles and the oligarchy back along with US "democracy" or Chavismo continues with Maduro , whatever pops up in the future the country is GUARANTTED corruption and mismanagement whether it be right or left ... poor Mexico, so close to the US yet so far apart from God , tells nothing of the skill the mexicans have to screw things up ... a la Venezuelan ..
