Friday, March 15, 2013

BUILD UP TO WW3 - US Bolstering Missile Defense to Deter North Korea's Threats

The US is beefing up its missile defence systems with new interceptors after recent threats of a nuclear attack by North Korea.
Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has announced the addition of 14 interceptors in Alaska to the US-based missile defence system, a nearly 50% increase in defence capability.
The new interceptors, added to the 30 already installed in California and Alaska, will improve the US' ability to shoot down missiles in flight before they reach the US.
Mr Hagel said the US is also working with Japan to deploy new radar systems from Japan that could better track and provide warning of any missile launched by the Communist regime.

1 comment:

  1. If I were American I would be getting outa there twosix! a 50% increase in the useless piece of junk called PS3 Patriots means zilch zero gain!
