Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lyndon Larouche ~ Obama like Nero

Obama has threatened members of the press, refused to release information to the Congress, restrained members of his administration from appearing before Congress, lied repeatedly, and he has been caught.


  1. Larouche NAILS IT yet again! Obama is a PSYCHOTIC, and those of us with a "Brain Stem" know it! Obama is EVIL to the vary CORE. He isn't the Anti-Christ, he's not smart enough, but I would have to agree with those that claim that Obama is a forerunner to the Beast.

  2. No Barak, you're not a dictator...but you would like to be and you're trying very hard to be and planning carefully to be a dictator. What you actually ARE is an affirmative-action retard who has risen to your own level of incompetence, and then some. You are NOT the "king"....however, you have been wearing "the Kings New Clothes" for some time now. and "We The People" see right through your psychotic machinations.

  3. Obama is not a psychotic, just another "new democrat" ruling elite lackey like Clinton. Its a stupid comparison with Nero, and counterproductive
