Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Money System and How to Change It ~ James Corbett

US minimum wage in 1964 was $1.25, if paid in pre-1965 90% silver quarters, the value of those 5 quarters today is $26.44. In the 60's, gas was on average $.20 per gallon, those two pre-1965 90% silver dimes are worth $4.23 today, which will buy you more than a gallon of gas today. Silver is the ultimate form of money in regards to maintaining purchasing power, storing value and being a medium of exchange (except on the internet). There is something definitely wrong with our monetary system!

James Corbett joins Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News to discuss the latest on the worldwide economic collapse. They talk about the monetary system at the root of the problem and the complementary currencies that will be an integral part of the real solution.


  1. When you realize that Cain Eves firstborn in the Garden whose father wasn't Adam it was satans seed. Both Adam n Eve were beguiled Eve telling God Genesis 3:13 looking the word up in a Strongs Bible Dictionary you'll find that in the Hebrew#5377 it means decieved seduced n in the Greek #1818 seduced wholly ...Sexual Intercorse in Genesis 3:15 God talking to the serpent I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed nher Seed, It shall bruise thy head(will come to pass)and thou shall bruise His heel( when they nailed Jesus to the cross) allow Pastor Arnold Murray at ShepherdsChapel 24/7 to help you understand Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse n you'll be amazed what you have never been taught.

    1. i will look,you have got my interest friend.

  2. These Kenites Hebrew word for the children of Cain that mixed into the House of Judah doing work chopping wood hauling water for the burnt offerings taken into captivity along with the House of Judah by Nebuchadrezzar into Babylon. When they were freed some 60 years later were the scribes writing the laws for the House of Judah Chr2:55. In Rev 2:9 n 3:9 Christ speaking of the 2 out of 7 churches He approved of Smyrna n Philidelphia as they taught the Kenites ie..I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews n are not but are of the synagogue of satan...These today are of the banking families that control most all governments n corporations today like that Amherst Rothchild once said I care not who runs the country as long as I control the money...time getting short visit ShepherdsChapel n you'll understand why the world n things are like they are

  3. I suggest a new system of currency consisting of the following-
    1. Every person in a country have a numbered bank account containing credits that are based on the value of a basket of staples.
    2. All cash registers are replaced with terminals that can transfer credits from the buyer's account to the seller's account electronically.
    3. All transactions are traceable.
    4. There are security features to protect people's assets and privacy. For example, 3 dimensional "keys" that read the user's fingerprint to verify account ownership before transactions are concluded.
