Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Prophetic Update" March 4, 2013 - The Noah Factor

Discover How we are seeing repeated "Signs" that took place prior to the destruction of the Earth in the "Days of Noah". This message gives some deeper insight into increased Earthquake and Volcanic Activity as well as recent Sinkholes and how they are warnings


  1. Is it possible the sink holes are from fracking?

  2. The magnetic poles and the physical poles are not the same nor are they influenced by the same factors. The movement of the magnetic poles is independent and unrelated to any physical crustal displacement (past present or future). It's important to recognize and understand the difference between the two kinds of pole shifts because many commentators (like this one) don't understand the difference and make the mistake of suggesting that just because the magnetic pole is moving in the direction of Russia, that the crust is also shifting in that direction. This is simply incorrect. This is not to say that crustal shifts don't happen or will not happen in the future (in fact there is evidence of past crustal shifts), it is only to point out these are two different kinds of events and there is no evidence to support any linkage between physical and magnetic shifts.
