Tuesday, March 5, 2013

US Dollar Collapse Underway

We'll soon lose the 'Reserve Currency' status...That will force hyperinflation.. China and the main banks are buying as much gold as they can... US banks are buying gold..they know that the US dollar is going to crash..... A collapse is coming and the Fed Rsrv banks know it.. the banks are warned..but not the American people.

U.S. Dollar in crisis as major countries around the world step away from the dollar, threatening its global reserve currency status. This is a special report of Money Matters. July 16, 2012 ALERT: money-insights.com has been taken down for job reasons.


  1. The latest numbers (COFER Q3 2012) suggest that the USD is increasing its status as reserve currency.

  2. ALERT: money-insights.com has been taken down for job reasons.

  3. WAKE UP!!! Experts have been WARNING about the U.S. Dollar NO LONGER being the "World Reserve Currency" for some time now. If you can't see what's going on right under your noses, then there is NO HOPE for you.

  4. Since when is AFRICA a country? Last time I checked it is a continent.
