Monday, March 4, 2013

Webster Tarpley ~ IMF meddling worsens Egypt economy

Webster Tarpley tells Press TV meddling by International Monetary Fund (IMF) will worsen the Egypt economy and spark more clashes across the north African country. At least 157 people have been injured in clashes between Egyptian police and demonstrators in the Suez Canal city of Port Said. The Egyptians launched the revolution against the pro-Israeli regime on January 25, 2011, which eventually brought an end to Mubarak's 30-year-long dictatorship on February 11, 2011. Egypt has been gripped by nationwide unrest in recent months. Protesters want Morsi to pursue the goals of the revolution that toppled former dictator Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian (Washington), to further discuss the issue of clashes in Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. The IMF is the cause of the world's problems, have a look at Europe. People have to wake up the IMF takes over gets you in massive debt and then takes over your countries assets and increases the prices of everything making it extremely hard to survive. The so called"Austerity" measures are just their jackbooted stand over men condemning the populations of these countries into slavery. Are not the worlds "banksters" just the most clever people? Infiltrate and take over governments with your planted politicians get them to run the country into the ground and tax the shit out of the people then "good old" IMF comes in and makes the country go into massive debt they can never pay back.Then they take over your water,power, health, food production with their companies.No need for wars just let the IMF fuck you over.
