Monday, March 4, 2013

What is Capitalism

Capitalism at its best. Creating jobs in the new economy.

Rand's simple and simplistic idea is that scientists, inventors, or architects cannot produce without the context of absolute freedom, either political (undefined) or economical. Individual rights eventually under ALL systems transform, and most often degrade. For instance, there is no such thing as a democracy in modern terms, and anyone who has ever had 5th grade civics knows this. There is no democracy on earth, and Ayn Rand should have known that if she knew anything!

1 comment:

  1. This is a remarkably simplistic view of the world. Capitalism, in a pure form, may not have existed for very long, but after thousands of generations of tribal and feudal social structure, the idea of individual liberties is a relatively new phenomenon, which has just been tried in a few relatively brief human experiments thus far.

    What these experiments have proven is that there is no other system that promotes prosperity and advances is science, technology, and production the way the free market can and does. America, in the blink of an eye in her first 200 years, showed the world an example of economic expansion and technological advancement that has never before been seen.

    It make take several more such experiments before the majority of the world's people see the light and learn to shuck off the parasites and looters who have been feeding on us since history began... Looking at this transition long term, it's not reasonable to assume that just because pure laissez faire capitalism didn't survive untouched in its first debut appearance for more than a few generations, that it cannot and will never work long term. Eventually it will for one simple reason, and that's the fact that every other type of system has failed EVERY time it's been tried.

    Capitalism is the ONLY system that has ever worked for any period of time.

    Perhaps it's better to think of it as pure simple freedom... as the absence of ANY planned or organized system. If we look at it that way, we see that it's merely a repudiation of any planned or managed system, all of which will inevitably accrue to the advantage of the people doing the planning & managing.

    Think of it as freedom, vs any form of economic system... & freedom always works when given a chance.

    F. Swemson
