Monday, March 4, 2013

Your Own Printable Assault Rifle Is A FREE Download Away!

In President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address, the commander-in-chief mentioned how 3-D printing could change the future, and since then the technology has received a lot more attention. Last year, a gun developer showcased an AR-15 rifle that was made out of several printed parts, but the weapon was only capable of letting off six shots. RT's Meghan Lopez discusses how all that has changed.Downloadable 3-D printed gun capable of firing 600 rounds

Download this file below and SAVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Now the plans have been blocked by the Feds who are running scared and crapping their pants. See: when fascism pushes people to far with gun control they get creative. Sadly for the fascists, plans for the gun are now all over the world! The fascists should have just left americans and their guns alone. New tyranny will only cause the creative mind of americans to find new and better and more powerful and dangerous ways to arm themselves. The feds are so freaking stupid. They need to just leave people alone and respect what is supposed to be the law of the land - The US Constitution. If they hadn't started the push for gun control none of this would be happening. Now people are on guard and stockpiling, hiding weapons, and creating new ways to defend against the growing police state. Feds = fascist morons.
