Monday, April 22, 2013

BREAKING ~ Glenn Beck: Major cover-up of Boston suspect from prominent Saudi family by Obama Administration

BREAKING ~ Glenn Beck: Major cover-up of Boston suspect from prominent Saudi family by Obama Administration From "The Glenn Beck Program" (Monday, April 22, 2013 edition)

I think most Americans dont know what to think, I think this is driving a lot of people over the edge. Take a look at this! MCB

Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.

But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. Consider the following trends:

Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year old) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;


  1. We have known this crap all along, we have known they have done the same crap and are responsible for 9/11 but OK now what? No one ever does anything about any of it so you can show all your proof and evidence etc etc etc, OK, So what? What are you going to do about any of it?

    1. Can they be stopped is the question, and how?

  2. No, it can't be stopped,or it willfully won't be stopped. Saudi $ makes the world go 'round.They will destroy us by letting us destroy ourselves.Like Spain,France,England, just grab your ankles and hope your neighbor fails to kill you or your family.Chaos and the death of the West,western values, are principal.Conversion will be yor only hope to survive.

  3. It can be stopped if we act soon and act as nation. We need to hit them hard in 2014 elections. All Demonrats need to be voted out of office, then the Republicans will know that if they don't adhere to the Constitution, they too will suffer defeat in the next election. We also need term limits for all elected officials. We must stay on these people with everything we have. Regardless of how we go about stoppung this unwanted change, we must do it together as a Nation. This is the Land of Liberty, we must fight to keep our life, Liberty, and our pursuit of Happiness. It is given to us by God, not the Govt. They must fear us, not us fear them.
