Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Glenn Beck: "We Are In So Much Trouble ... The Darkness Is Astounding"

July 9, 2013 - Glenn Beck is outraged that President Obama's Twitter account was following a porn company.

We had our chance Glenn Beck....remember 2007 when YOU supported the bankster bailouts when everyone was screaming 'REVOLT NOW OR NEVER' and YOU squashed it and said we need to bail out the banks? You don't have any place to lecture anyone about anything Glenn Beck you phony ultra conservative degenerate drunken junkie.
Glenn Beck


  1. You got that right Beck-"The Darkness is ASTOUNDING!" And it's only going to get worse. We can't even begin to FATHOM what God has in store for those that willfully live in ignorance and follow Satan. So HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS boys and girls, it's just gonna get UGLIER from here on out!!! To quote Billy Graham-"If God doesn't punish the Unites States, He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gamorrah."

    1. Haven't you read who heals that Deadly Wound of the one world government in Rev. 13:3 its the dragon yes folks it will be satan himself when hes cast from Heaven to the earth Rev.12:6-9 appearing in the Holy Land Jerusalem n claiming hes Jesus n most everyone will wonder n worship the dragon. That is written what Billy Graham says is a mans word. Better to listen to Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter verse by verse by Pastor Murray at ShepherdsChapel

  2. "chance Glenn Beck....remember 2007 when YOU supported the bankster bailouts when everyone was screaming 'REVOLT NOW OR NEVER' and YOU squashed it and said we need to bail out the banks? You don't have any place to lecture anyone about anything Glenn Beck you phony ultra conservative degenerate drunken junkie." Glad to see you allow people to grow and come to understanding at different times. Not everyone is awakened at the same time. Instead of bashing them for not being awake when you where, how about just being thankful they did wake up and welcome them on board? We need more people to be awake, don't run them off with your hate.

  3. Just more end-times porn to titillate the fear neurons of pussies who are afraid to look in the mirror and realize the real deception going on is self-deception. Easier to bask in the hypocritical glow of self-righteous conspiracy mongering than do some real introspection and actual historical research and finally discern that the New World Order was build brick-by-brick with the sanction of people who sleepwalked through their lives advocating every layer of mortar by their indolence.

  4. There is no video.

    Most of the time I get to "beforeitsnews" and the videos have been removed and it's GETTING FRUSTRATING!
